Analysis Of The Current School Climate And Learning Environment

The analysis of the school climate and learning environment in class and at school is based on how students perceive the level individualized support they receive from their teachers, the quality of their relationships with teachers and the degree of discipline that prevails in their school as well as from the point of view of school heads about the behavior and morale of teachers and students in their establishment.

Management strategies of solving issue at school

The increase in performance levels is highly dependent on support mechanisms that enable students, teachers and the management of the institutions to receive help and advice from professionals.

Management strategies adopted for this purpose aimed at solving issues at school vary from country to country. Some focus on the heterogeneity of the student population and provide services according to the needs of students, including specific educational support, social services and school counseling or professional. Others consist in facilitating the improvement of efficiency teachers and schools through networks of institutions or partnerships between institutions and other institutions.

More management strategies besides aim at the entire education system and involve external agencies. Some countries have set up independent specialized structures educational support, while others have integrated support systems in the school administration, the school inspectorate or the academic sector.

The individualized support that teachers give to their students in their learning is crucial. Research on school efficiency shows that is beneficial for students (particularly those who are “weak”) to follow courses with teachers who show:

  • interest in their progress,
  • their wish to see them reach an acceptable level of performance,
  • their willingness to help them achieve this.

During the school surveys students should answered questions about how often following situations occur in classes:

  • “The teacher is interested in the progress of each student”
  • “The teacher brings help when students need it”
  • “The teacher helps students in their learning”
  • “The teacher continues to explain until that students have understood”
  • “The teacher gives students the opportunity to express their opinions”

Their responses will make it possible to determine what extent these practices and issues are common of the school environment in different countries.

Developing students’ ability to solve problems

This requires driving, year after year, and from an early age, a structured work and regular to get students to acquire the knowledge and skills their allowing:

  • to understand the problem posed;
  • to establish a strategy to solve it, based on a diagram or table, in breaking down the problem into subproblems, doing tests, starting from what one wants to find, by making analogies with a known model;
  • implement the established strategy;
  • to take a step back from their work, both to ensure the relevance of what has been performed and the result found, only to identify what was effective and what was not in order to take advantage of it to make strategic choices in future resolutions of problems.

The teaching of problem solving can be based on exchange times groups, making it possible to formulate hypotheses, to collectively elaborate strategies, to confront ideas and discuss them, to propose methods of resolution or to submit to the class problems created by the students themselves. Nevertheless, during problem-solving sessions, the priority must be given to the times during which pupils are actually solving their own issues at school.

School environment research

The study analyzes the contribution of the management to the school environment by questioning the perceptions of the students in their institution. This is to understand how these perceptions influence institutional management in a context, which integrates not only theoretical teachings through the courses, but also the practical activities of protection and preservation of the environment as works manuals.

The degradation of the environment school is thus carried out with the complicity of the administration. However, this degradation can be done by students. Students who apply the lessons learned and derive the dividends (financial and honorific) are motivated for these activities. Financial income obtained from the implementation of additional courses reinforce their sense of belonging to their establishment within which they feel useful.

The students therefore apply to their school environment. This explains that these students participate on a voluntary basis in the maintenance of their school space through the activities because according to them, “It’s all about their health”. The students of the unhealthy establishments grant less importance to the school environment.

Change ultimately depends on the commitment of people who work directly in schools and school communities. If issues and problems vary a lot from one school to the other, but the tips, experiences and tools provided by the surveys will provide valuable resources to all interested persons and that schools in all contexts will find adequate means and means for promoting healthy schooling environment.