
Duties of a Manager or Vice President of a Management Committee

The Project Management Committee comprises specialized functional and technical resources within the organization. They coordinate and resolve issues concerning the project and make recommendations on various management methods necessary to achieve goals. The PMC is the link between all project team members, and the project charter defines their duties.

It is the committee’s responsibility to ensure the organization’s long-term success.

The committee is generally made up of members appointed by the Provost or the Vice Presidency, with members taking their appointments from the Secretariat. The project’s overall management and accountability are ultimately the responsibility of the Provost or the VP-VP, with the overall management committee responsible for making short-term and long-term project management decisions. At most institutions, a committee is a small group of committee members who infrequently meet to review and formulate policy and make decisions on specific management strategies.

Committee meetings are generally informal, although they may be included in the school year schedule.

The committee’s main responsibilities are to ensure the association’s proper functioning and its various activities. Their main duties include the:

  • monitoring of expenditures, developing policies for allocation of resources,
  • developing procedures for reporting expenditures and disbursement,
  • reviewing and approving the accounts and maintaining records of financial transactions,
  • developing policies for dealing with complaints,
  • setting guidelines for discipline, and responding to grievances.

Also, they need to prepare reports on the effectiveness of management policies and programs, review the projects’ status, update documentation on policies and procedures and report on changes to the association. You can store all the necessary papers in digital format using virtual data room software. They also play a role in planning the association’s annual meeting and general working procedures.

Management committee meetings should be held at least quarterly

The first meeting held in the middle of August and the last meeting held in the summer of the year. The committees are formally established to “assign and plan” the organization’s management policies, strategies, and projects. Meetings are generally held once a month, with alternating chair days among the principal members. Quorum is normally determined by the number of voting members present at the meeting, with the Vice-President being the only alternate. Meetings are generally held once a week, with committees meeting every 3 months or more often if necessary.

The committee member’s responsibilities vary according to the size of the organization, with some focusing on financial duties.

In contrast, others focus on developing staff skills or maintaining standards of education and professional practice. Some committees also have the responsibility of reviewing the annual general meeting (AGM) and other special occasions such as disciplinary proceedings, appointments, discipline, and changes to policies. Other key responsibilities include drafting policy, policies, and procedures to deal with complaints and maintain records relating to complaints and discipline. Committee meetings may also deal with the organization’s image and public perception, strategic planning and project management, and internal policies related to business operations and customer service. These topics are usually considered sensitive, and the public should not be informed of confidential information unless the appropriate committees have been notified in advance.

The treasurer’s duties are defined by the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Association of Public Accountants of Practitioners (APMP).

The treasurer is the chief financial officer of the corporation and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the corporation’s accounts and cash resources. He or she must also keep a record of all receipts and disbursements.

APMP encourages open and honest communication between the board and the membership. It also requires the treasurer to answer questions, make reports and handle various aspects of the association’s affairs. The treasurer must make sure that the directors and staff are following the APMP guidelines. For example, it is the duty of the treasurer to attend all meetings of the board and report on the activities of the meetings. He or she must also make a financial analysis of the association at each meeting and submit a final report to the board at its meeting.

The treasurer’s duties do not stop with reporting to the members of the association. He or she is also required to make sure that the members and the general organization follow the by-laws. The APMP also requires the treasurer to report on all complaints and investigations that are being made. All this is required according to the terms of the Memorandum and Article of Association of the APMP. Any non-compliance by the treasurer in fulfilling the requirements can result in the revocation of his membership and imposition of sanctions by the APMP Board of Directors.